Kenny Dalglish: 'Kit deals and a happy club are as good as points'
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Kenny Dalglish: 'Kit deals and a happy club are as good as points'

Kenny Dalglish has defended his record 

Tim Rich- The Guardian 12 march 2012 With Liverpool languishing in seventh place in the Premier League, Kenny Dalglish has been forced to defend his record at Anfield. Photograph: Ed Sykes/Action Images


Kenny Dalglish has launched an impassioned defence of his record at Liverpool, claiming he should not be judged by the club's league position alone and that kit deals are as important as victories.


Despite his success in bringing Liverpool their first trophy in six years in the shape of the Carling Cup, Dalglish goes into Tuesday's Merseyside derby facing greater questioning than at any time since his return to Anfield 14 months ago. Liverpool have won only two of their past 11 league games and, should they lose to Everton, they will find themselves below David Moyes's side.


Dalglish, who in his first stint at Anfield lived by the maxim that first is first, second is nowhere, argued that he should be judged by his impact at Liverpool on and off the field. His eventual aim, he said, was to restore the old values to Anfield.


"The club is now where it was before – each one for each one, everybody in it together," said the Liverpool manager. "There are many ways you can judge a season and the best way is progress at the football club as a whole. I don't think it necessarily relates to trophies or points.


"You can measure it by how the club has progressed and where it is, from the first team to the kids. Off the pitch, especially, the club is a lot stronger than what it was. You go off the pitch and see how much money we are getting through sponsorship and kit deals [the club signed a deal with US-based Warrior Sports in January worth a potential £300m over six years].


"You look at the academy and see how much better it is. You look around here [at Melwood] and most of the people have got a smile on their faces now. The squad is stronger than it was last year. What other areas are there to improve on – apart from points?"


Dalglish used the three Liverpool dropped at home to Arsenal in a match they dominated as a case study, although he was unimpressed by Arsène Wenger's claim that Luis Suárez dived to win a penalty that was missed by Dirk Kuyt, and called on the FA to investigate the Arsenal manager's comments.

"He never said that to me," Dalglish said. "He [Wenger] said it was a fantastic performance by us and that they were fortunate to win. I am sure the FA will look into that and take him to task for it. If you can't comment on the position of England manager, then you can't comment on someone else's player, can you?"


The question of whether Suárez remains on Merseyside, despite the sometimes self-defeating uncritical support Liverpool have given their striker over the Patrice Evra affair, may cast a shadow as the season climaxes. Dalglish dismissed Suárez's comments that he would "love to play alongside Diego Lugano" at Paris St-Germain.


Suárez may just have been responding politely to a question on French television. However, under Qatari ownership, PSG can offer the Uruguayan a massive salary and the near certainty of playing in the Champions League. At Liverpool that may be a long time coming.


On Wednesday, Moyes will celebrate a decade at Goodison Park. When it came to analysing his record against Liverpool he regretted both the absence of a league win at Anfield and the realisation that, though he has often drawn close to his neighbours, he has never really gone past them. Even when Everton finished above Liverpool in 2005, it was the year the Anfield club won the Champions League. "We have been in similar situations over the years and never been able to take the leap," he said, citing the vast difference in the two clubs' spending as the principal reason. "It might be possible that one day we could compete as equals. I would like it not to be always about money because then it would be only the richest clubs that ever win. I always hoped that somehow we could compete against that."


Nevertheless, after victories over Manchester City, Chelsea and Tottenham, this may not be the "tough season" Moyes was predicting a few months back. "I could possibly tell you in the next week or two whether we are above expectations or not," he said. "Six weeks ago I said I wouldn't have watched Everton; we weren't playing well enough or getting enough results. But we have done better; the players have dug in, we have hung in and not felt sorry for ourselves.


"If you had said then that we'd have won those three games and drawn at Wigan and QPR, I'd have been sceptical but it shows we are getting back to where we were in the past, though I hope it lasts for more than a month."{jcomments on}


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