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Manchester United: Örnek Kulüpten Sıradan Bir Kulübe
Pazartesi, 24 Şubat 2025
  Tuğrul AKŞAR- 24 Şubat 2025 Bir zamanlar kazandığı başarılarla Avrupa ve dünya futbolunun olağanüstü kulübü haline gelen ve... Devamını oku...
Arsenal'in Artan Gelirleri, Zararı Önleyemedi!
Cuma, 21 Şubat 2025
Futbolekonomi- 21 Şubat 2025 Arsenal'in 2023/24 mali sonuçları yayınlandı. Devamını oku...
Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Sahadan Çekilme Cezalarını Artırdı
Pazartesi, 17 Şubat 2025
Futbolekonomi- 17 Şubat 2025 TFF, Futbol Disiplin Talimatı'nda değişikliğe gitti. Sahaya çıkmayan ya da sahadan çekilen takımlara bir... Devamını oku...
Fenerbahçe'de Borç 20 Milyar TL'na Yaklaştı
Pazar, 16 Şubat 2025
Futbolekonomi- 16 Şubat 2025 Kalamış Faruk Ilgaz Tesisleri'ndeki yüksek divan kurulu toplantısı sonrasında Fenerbahçe kulüp başkanı... Devamını oku...
Transferler Merkez Ligler İçin!
Pazartesi, 10 Şubat 2025
Tuğrul AKŞAR- 10 Şubat 2025 Ara dönem transferlerinde futbol kulüpleri transfere astronomik paralar ödemeye devam etti. Yapılan... Devamını oku...
Manchester City'den Kış Dönemi Transferine Rekor Harcama
Cuma, 07 Şubat 2025
Riccardo Greco | Football Benchmark- 7 Şubat 2025 Futbolda kış dönemi transfer dönemi sona erdi. Bu süreçte Avrupa kulüpleri transfere... Devamını oku...
Kulüplerimiz Avrupa Ligi'nin Lig Aşamasında 43,6 Milyon Euro Para Kazandı
Pazar, 02 Şubat 2025
Futbolekonomi- 3 Şubat 2025 UEFA Avrupa Lig etabı tamamlandı. Yeni formatta ilk kez düzenlenen turnuvada ilk 8'e giren takımlar doğrudan... Devamını oku...
Şampiyonlar Ligi'nin Lig Aşamasında Liverpool 56,2 Milyon Euro Kazançla İlk Sırada
Pazar, 02 Şubat 2025
Futbolekonomi- 3 Şubat 2025 Yeni formatıyla Şampiyonlar Ligi 2024/25  sezonunun lig aşaması tamamlandı. Devamını oku...
Futbolda bonservise 1 yılda 8,59 milyar dolar
Pazar, 02 Şubat 2025
Futbolekonomi- 3 Şubat 2025 Futbol kulüpleri, 2024’te uluslararası transferler için 8,59 milyar dolar bonservis bedeli... Devamını oku...
Futbolun Patronu Parada da Real Madrid
Çarşamba, 29 Ocak 2025
Futbolekonomi-29 Ocak 2025 Football Benchmark'ın yıllık yayını olan Avrupa Şampiyonları Raporu'nun 9. Sayısı yayınlandı. Devamını oku...
UEFA'ya Alternatif Avrupa Birleşik Ligi
Çarşamba, 29 Ocak 2025
Sebahattin Devecioğlu- 29 Ocak 2025 UEFA turnuvalarına (Şampiyonlar Ligi, Avrupa Ligi ve Konferans Ligi) alternatif bir yarışma düzenlemeye... Devamını oku...
LaLiga yönetimi, nefret ve ırkçılık suçlarına karşı harekete geçti!
Çarşamba, 29 Ocak 2025
Futbolekonomi- 29 Ocak 2025 İspanya'da 1. ve 2. futbol ligi kulüplerinin bağlı olduğu LaLiga kurumu, stadyumlarında nefret ve ırkçılık... Devamını oku...
Konferans Ligi'nde Oynamak Club Brugge'a Para Kaybettirdi!
Çarşamba, 29 Ocak 2025
Futbolekonomi-29 Ocak 2025 Club Brugge Belçika liginde son on yılın en başarılı kulübü. Son on yılın altısında şampiyonluğa... Devamını oku...
Para Ligi'nin Lideri 1 Milyar Euroluk Geliriyle Real Madrid Oldu
Pazartesi, 27 Ocak 2025
  Futbolekonomi- 27 Ocak 2025 Deloitte Money League’in Dünyanın en zengin kulüplerine ilişkin 28. Para Ligi sıralaması ‘’Zemin... Devamını oku...
Kulüplerde Etkili Bir Denetim Olmadan Başarı Gelmez!
Pazartesi, 27 Ocak 2025
Tuğrul AKŞAR-27 Ocak 2025 Futbol kulüplerinde sportif başarının garantisini ekonomik, finansal, yönetsel ve sportif başarılı yönetim... Devamını oku...
Napoli'den Rekor Kar
Cumartesi, 25 Ocak 2025
Futbolekonomi- 25 Ocak 2025 Serie-A'nın güçlü ekiplerinden Napoli 2023-24 dönemine ilişkin finansal tablolarını açıkladı. Açıklanan... Devamını oku...
Galatasaray Sponsorlukta Dev Gelire Ulaştı!
Cumartesi, 18 Ocak 2025
Futbolekonomi-18 Ocak 2025 Galatasaray sponsorluklardan elde ettiği geliri açıkladı. Başkan yardımcısı Yelkencioğlu 70 milyon doları... Devamını oku...

Futbolekonomi.com'dan Türk Futbolunun Yapılanmasına Devrimsel Öneriler...


Futbolun Yeniden Yapılanmasına Yönelik Çarpıcı Önerilerin Yer Aldığı Meclis Komisyonu'nun Oturum Tutanakları... 

futbol_yapilanmaTürk futbolu bugün Avrupa'nın ve Dünya'nın en fazla gelir yaratan altıncı büyük futbol ekonomisi... Futbolumuz Avrupa'da ve Dünya'da futbolun gelecek elli yılına damgasını vurabilecek potansiyele sahip... Türk futbolunun iktisadi, mail ve sportif anlamda Avrupa ve Dünya futbolundan hak ettiği payı alacak, kalitesini arttıracak, stratejik gelişimini sağlayacak yeniden yapılanmasına yönelik TBMM araştırma Komisyonu'na sunulan rapor için tıklayınız.   futbol_klupleriFutbolekonomi.com yazarlarından Tuğrul AKŞAR'ın, Türk Futbolunun Finansal Yeniden yapılanmasına referans olabilecek Meclis Araştırma Komisyonu'na 'Spor Kulüplerinin Mali ve Yönetişim Sorunları ve Bunlara İlişikin Çözüm Önerileri"  hakkında verdiği brifingin meclis tutanakları için tıklayınız



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Süper Bowl Ekonomisi

Sebahattin Devecioğlu- 10 Şubat 2025 Super Bowl LIX sadece bir futbol oyunu değil, yılın Amerikan ekonomik spor etkinliği, her büyüklükteki iş...

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Şehir, Olimpiyat ve Maliyet

Müslüm Gülhan- 30 Temmuz 2024 Olimpiyat Oyunlarının iyi ve doğru planlanıp uygulanması halinde sürdürülebilir kalkınma açısından önemli fırsatlar yaratması için ekonomik bo...

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Paris 2024 Ekonomisi

Sebahattin Devecioğlu- 29 Temmuz 2024 Olimpiyat Oyunları'na ev sahipliği yapmak güçlü ekonomik faydalar sağlamaktadır. Olimpiyatlar, bir bölgenin ve ülkenin iş gücü ve gö...

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Olimpiyatlar Ev Sahibi Ülkeye Ne Katar?

Tuğrul AKŞAR-29 Temmuz 2024 Paris 2024 Olimpiyatları büyük bir coşkuyla ba...

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Euro 2024'ün Ekonomisi

Sebahattin Devecioğlu- 16 Haziran 2024  UEFA EURO, yalnızca futbolun değil, tüm dünya sporunun en büyük organizasyonlarından biri ve önemli miktarda gelir sa...

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Sporda İşgücü Piyasaları

Sebahattin Devecioğlu- 30 Nisan 2024 Spor, ulusal kültürlerin bir parçasıdır ve suçun azaltılması, sağlığın iyileştirilmesi ve sosyal uyum gibi sosyal kalkınma he...

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Süper Lig Yayın Hakları 3 Yıl Daha Bein Medya'da...

Futbolekonomi- 3 Mart 2024  Türkiye Futbol Federasyonunun (TFF) internet sitesinde yer alan açıklamada, beIN Media Group'un, anlaşma uyarınca tüm yayın ha...

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Renkler Farklı Dertler Ortak: Kulüpler Faiz- Kur-Döviz Sarmalında!

Tuğrul AKŞAR- 18 Şubat 2024 Kulüpler 31 Ağustos 2023 tarihli altı aylık finansallarını Kamuyu Aydınlatma Platformuna (KAP) gö...

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Sporda Hayran Alışkanlıkları

Sebahattin Devecioğlu- 26 Şubat 2025 Altman Solon, Telekomünikasyon, Medya ve Teknoloji (TMT) sektörlerine odaklanan dünyanın en büyük strateji danışmanlık firması 20...

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Manchester United: Örnek Kulüpten Sıradan Bir Kulübe

  Tuğrul AKŞAR- 24 Şubat 2025 Bir zamanlar kazandığı başarılarla Avrupa ve dünya futbolunun olağanüstü kulübü haline gelen ve örnek kulüp ...

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Transferde Portekiz, Hollanda ve Belçika Modeli Bize Örnek Olabilir: Portekiz

Tolga Genç-23 Şubat 2025 Bir önceki yazımızda futbol dünyasında önde gelen ülkelerin liglerinin son on yıldaki transfer dünyasına bakmaya ça...

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İçi Boşaltılan Rekabet

Müslüm Gülhan-22 Şubat 2025 Rekabet; bireylerin, grupların ya da milletlerin henüz kimsenin elde edemediği bir şeye ulaşmak için çaba göstermeye başlamasıyla or...

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Yabancı Hakem Sorunları Ortadan Kaldırabilecek mi?

Ahmet Talimciler- 21 Şubat 2025 Memleketin genel haleti ruhiyesi ile ülke futbolu arasında yakından bir bağ söz konusudur ve yabancı hakemin el...

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Futbolumuza Yabancı Hakem

Recep Cengiz- 20 Şubat 2025 Futbolumuzda yabancı hakem tartışması güncelliğini ko...

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Sporda Dijital Dönüşüm Trendleri 2025

Sebahattin Devecioğlu- 18 Şubat 2025 GSIC ve Sportian'ın "Sporda Dijital Dönüşüm Trendleri 2025" raporun bu yıl, spor sektörünün yeniden şekillendiren de...

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Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Sahadan Çekilme Cezalarını Artırdı

Futbolekonomi- 17 Şubat 2025 TFF, Futbol Disiplin Talimatı'nda değişikliğe gitti. Sahaya çıkmayan ya da sahadan çekilen takımlara bir sonraki sezonda 9 pu...

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Arsenal'in Artan Gelirleri, Zararı Önleyemedi!

Futbolekonomi- 21 Şubat 2025 Arsenal'in 2023/24 mali sonuçları ya...

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Manchester City'den Kış Dönemi Transferine Rekor Harcama

Riccardo Greco | Football Benchmark- 7 Şubat 2025 Futbolda kış dönemi transfer dönemi sona erdi. Bu süreçte Avrupa kulüpleri transfere yaz dö...

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Futbolun Patronu Parada da Real Madrid

Futbolekonomi-29 Ocak 2025 Football Benchmark'ın yıllık yayını olan Avrupa Şampiyonları Raporu'nun 9. Sayısı ya...

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Konferans Ligi'nde Oynamak Club Brugge'a Para Kaybettirdi!

Futbolekonomi-29 Ocak 2025 Club Brugge Belçika liginde son on yılın en başarılı kulübü. Son on yılın altısında şampiyonluğa ulaşan Belçika ekibi, to...

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Para Ligi'nin Lideri 1 Milyar Euroluk Geliriyle Real Madrid Oldu

  Futbolekonomi- 27 Ocak 2025 Deloitte Money League’in Dünyanın en zengin kulüplerine ilişkin 28. Para Ligi sıralaması ‘’Zemin Kontrolü’’ başlıklı raporla ...

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Napoli'den Rekor Kar

Futbolekonomi- 25 Ocak 2025 Serie-A'nın güçlü ekiplerinden Napoli 2023-24 dönemine ilişkin finansal tablolarını açıkladı. Açıklanan finansallara göre Napoli 2023-24 sezonunu 257.4 Mi...

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West Ham 96 Milyon Sterlin Kar ile Rekor Kırdı

Futbolekonomi- 6 Ocak 2025 West Ham'ın 2023/24 hesapları kulüp yöçnetimince kamuoyuyla paylaşıldı. Yapılan açıklamada, "kulübün 2023-24 dönemine ilişkin mali sonuçlarının, kulübün "ü...

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Futbol kulüpleri borsada yatırımcılarını sevindiremedi

Futbolekonomi- 6 Ocak 2025 Dünyanın önde gelen futbol kulüpleri, geçen yıl borsada iç açıcı bir performans sergilemezken, yatırımcısını tam anlamıyla se...

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Kurlar Artıyor, Kulüpler Batıyor!

Tuğrul Akşar- 17 Aralık 2021 Ekonomik konjonktürdeki olumsuzluklar döviz karşısında TL’yi iyice eritirken, kurlardaki artışlar da kulüpleri vurmaya devam ed...

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Kulüpler Finansal Krizde

  Tuğrul Akşar- 5 Ekim 2021 Futbol kulüplerinin 31/5/2021 itibariyle finansal tabloları kısa bir süre önce açıklandı. Kamuoyuyla paylaşılan finansal tablolar, ...

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Asırlık Derby County Batmak Üzere

Futbolekonomi- 20 Eylül 2021 İngiliz futbolunun en eski kulüplerinden, 1888'de İngiliz Futbol federasyonu' nun kurulmasında yer alan on iki kulüpten birisi ol...

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Barcelona Borcu 1.35 Milyar Euro'ya Ulaştı

   Madrid (AP) – Barselona Başkanı Joan Laporta, Messi’nin PSG’ye transferi sonrası düzenlediği basın toplantısında kulübün içinde bulunduğu finansal durumu tüm ...

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Kulüpler Birliği'nden TFF'ye 4 maddelik ihtar: "Maçlara çıkmayız"

9 Temmuz 2021-  Kulüpler Birliği Vakfı, yapılan toplantı sonrasında Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu'na (TFF) 4 maddelik bir talep listesi gönderdi. Bunların yapılmaması halinde maçlara çı...

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Avrupa Süper Ligi: Artık Hiçbir Şey Eskisi Gibi Olmayacak!

Tuğrul Akşar- 6 Mayıs 2021 Avrupa futbolunda son yirmi yılda çevre ligler aleyhine, merkez ligler lehine ekonomik, finansal ve sportif anlamda ha...

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CAS Kararları Işığında Futbol Hukukunda Özellik Arzeden Klozlar

Futbolekonomi- 30 Aralık 2024 Yazarlarımızdan Arman  Özdemir'in Futbol Hukuku'na katkı sağlayacak ve ufuk açacak, örnek vakalarla zenginleştirilmiş kitabı "CAS Kararları Iş...

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Verginin Futbolla Mücadelesi

Tuğrul AKŞAR- 21 Ekim 2024  Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı, yüksek gelir elde eden ancak gelirini beyan dışı bırakan sporcuları yakın ta...

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Kulüpler Arası Transfer Sözleşmelerinde Cezai Şart

  Arman Özdemir- 9 Haziran 2024 Profesyonel futbolcu transfer sözleşmeleri üçlü bir ilişki arz ederler; eski kulüp, yeni kulüp ve futbolcu. ...

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Avrupa Adalet Divanı'ndan UEFA'ya Büyük Darbe

Futbolekonomi- 21 Aralık 2023 Avrupa Adalet Divanı futbol örgütlenmesi UEFA'ya darbe olacak bir karara imza at...

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Geçici Transfer Sözleşmelerinde Sell-On Klozlarına İLişkin CAS Kararları

Arman Özdemir- 19 Temmuz 2023 Geçici transfer sözleşmelerinde Sell-On klozlarına ilişkin CAS kararlarının futbol yönetimimiz ve kulüp yönetimleri açısından önemli ol...

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CAS Kararları

Arman Özdemir- 22 Mart 2023 Sell-on klozlarında en önemli problemler doğal olarak hesap ve ödeme dönemlerinde söz konusu olmaktadır. Konunun CA...

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Kulüplerde Etkili Bir Denetim Olmadan Başarı Gelmez!

Tuğrul AKŞAR-27 Ocak 2025 Futbol kulüplerinde kurumsal başarı  ekonomik, finansal, yönetsel ve sportif alanlarda kulübün etkin ve başarılı yönetimiyle gelir.  Bunlardan bi...

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Federasyon Başkanı Seçimine Alternatif Öneri

Arman Özdemir- 26 Şubat 2023 TFF organlarının nasıl belirleneceği 5894 sayılı Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Kuruluş Ve Görevleri Hakkında Kanun md.4/1 ile TFF St...

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Why Mesut Özil’s Arsenal To Fenerbahçe Transfer Is Unique?

Zak Garner-Purkis-SportsMoney-Forbes- 21 February 2021 As Mesut Özil’s move to Fenerbahçe neared last month its President Ali Koç called on fans ...

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Devlet Destekli Top Sektirmeye Devam (mı?)

Tuğrul Akşar- 22 Kasım 2019 Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu Başkanı (TFF) Nihat Özdemir, iki gün önce İstanbul'da düzenlenen Uluslararası Futbol Ekonomi Forumunda ...

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Futbolda İş Ahlakı

    Futbolekonomi- 13 Ekim 2018 Son zamanlarda yazılı ve görsel medyada futbolumuzda yaşanan etik sıkıntılar, bizi 23 Mayıs 2017'de yitirdiğimiz, Futbolun Ekonomisi ...

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Fenerbahçe Nereye? Ali Koç Fenerbahçe’de Başarılı Olabilecek mi?

Tuğrul AKŞAR-28 Temmuz 2018 Fenerbahçe’de bir dönem kapandı, yeni bir dönem açılıyor. 14 Şubat 1988’den 5 Haziran 2018’e kadar geçen 20 yı...

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Futbol Ekonomi Kitapları

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Futbolun Ekonomi Politiği

  Tuğrul Akşar'ın  Futbola referans olacak kitaplarından Futbolun Ekonomi Politiği yeni çıktı. Şimdi ...

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Futbol Yönetimi

   Hak ettiği ve gerektiği gibi yönetilemeyen futbol sektörünün iç...

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Futbol Ekonomisi

    Tuğrul Akşar ve Kutlu Merih'in yazdığı kitap tüm ...

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Endüstriyel Futbol İlgiyi Hakediyor

    Futbol, sportif bir eylem olmaktan endüstriyelliğe doğru hızlı ...

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Krizdeki Futbol

  4 Nisan 2013- Tuğrul Akşar'dan futbol sektörüne referans ye...

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Finansal Futbol

  Futbol günümüzde farklı bir boyuta evrildi. Artık sadece ...

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Tuğrul Akşar ile Futbolun Ekonomisi, Endüstrisi ve Sosyolojisi Üzerine

Sihirlikrampon.blogspot.com ‘da Tuğrul Akşar ile Futbolun ekonomisi ve endüstrisi ile sosyolojisi üzerine 23 Eylül 2009 tarihinde yapılmış bir söyleşiyi sizlerle paylaşıyoruz.  Söyleşi için tıklayınız..




“Yeni Futbol Endüstrisi Oyunu Nasıl Değiştiriyor“

okumak için tıklayınız. 



  “Avrupa futbolu elit kulüplerinin değer artışı
  devam ediyor. Football Benchmark’ın
  yedinci kez düzenlediği 2022 raporuna
  göre Avrupa’nın kulüp değeri
  en yüksek kulübü 3.1 Milyar Euro’luk
  değeriyleReal Madrid oldu.”

  Raporu okumak için tıklayınız”



Murat Başaran Yazdı: Sporda şiddet ve düzensizliklerin engellenmesi, disiplin yargılaması ve Türk vergi sistemi hakkında-I

okumak için tıklayınız. 



“Kulüplerin borsadaki mali performansları ile onların lokal ligdeki sportif performansları arasında bir ilişki var mı? "

Bu soruya Okan Üniversitesi’nden Emre Göllü, dört büyük kulüp özelinde yaptığı ilgi çekici ekonometrik analizle yanıt veriyor. Okumak için tıklayınız.”


1 June 2011- Wembley Stadium has hosted the 2011 UEFA Champions League final.

 The highlight of European football's club calendar returns to the London venue for a record sixth time, the first at the new stadium, on Saturday 28 May 2011.



• Wembley has undergone a massive transformation since it hosted the last old-style European Champion Clubs' Cup final in 1992, but the new stadium has lost none of its prestige. The famous twin towers have made way for an iconic arch over the stadium, which has been totally rebuilt and is now one of the most modern and breathtaking arenas in the world. Boasting a seated capacity of 90,000, the new Wembley reopened its doors in 2007 and is once again home to the England national side, as well as host to the nation's premier domestic cup finals.



• Known as the 'Home of Football', Wembley has hosted five European Cup finals, more than any other stadium, as well as two UEFA Cup Winners' Cup finals. AC Milan defeated SL Benfica 2-1 in Wembley's first European final in 1963 before Manchester United FC became the competition's first English winners thanks to their 4-1 extra-time triumph against the same Portuguese side in 1968. In 1971, AFC Ajax beat Panathinaikos FC 2-0 to lift the trophy for the first time, and there were also 1-0 wins for Liverpool FC against Club Brugge KV in 1978 and FC Barcelona against UC Sampdoria in 1992.

• The original Wembley Stadium was known as the Empire Stadium, and was built as the centrepiece of a British Empire Exhibition at the end of the First World War. Though not officially opened by King George V until 23 April 1924, the stadium hosted its first FA Cup final the previous year, when an estimated 200,000 people crammed in to watch Bolton Wanderers FC defeat West Ham United FC 2-0. That match famously became known as the 'White Horse final', as a mounted policeman took to the pitch to keep fans at bay.

• The old stadium, named after the north London suburb in which it is located, would serve as the focal point of English football from then until it was demolished in 2003 to make way for the current structure. Wembley hosted the 1948 Olympic Games and also the final of EURO '96 but, from an English perspective, unquestionably its finest hour came on 30 July 1966, when Geoff Hurst scored a hat-trick to inspire England to a 4-2 extra-time win against West Germany in the final of the FIFA World Cup.




• In addition to major football events, the new venue has hosted significant sporting occasions in rugby union, rugby league, American football and even motor sports. It has likewise held a number of large concerts and charity events, with spectators able to take advantage of its 34 bars, eight restaurants and 688 food and drink service points.

2010/11 UEFA Champions League match calendar
Stage Dates
First qualifying round, 1st leg 29-30/06/2010
First qualifying round, 2nd leg 06-07/07/2010
Second qualifying round, 1st leg 13-14/07/2010
Second qualifying round, 2nd leg 20-21/07/2010
Third qualifying round, 1st leg 27-28/07/2010
Third qualifying round, 2nd leg 03-04/08/2010
Play-off, 1st leg 17-18/08/2010
Play-off, 2nd leg 24-25/08/2010
Group stage, Matchday 1 14-15/09/2010
Group stage, Matchday 2 28-29/09/2010
Group stage, Matchday 3 19-20/10/2010
Group stage, Matchday 4 02-03/11/2010
Group stage, Matchday 5 23-24/11/2010
Group stage, Matchday 6 07-08/12/2010
Round of 16, 1st leg 15-16.02.2011 & 22-23/02/2011
Round of 16, 2nd leg 08-09/03/2011 & 15-16/03/2011
Quarter-finals, 1st leg 05-06/04/2011
Quarter-finals, 2nd leg 12-13/04/2011
Semi-finals, 1st leg 26-27/04/2011
Semi-finals, 2nd leg 03-04/05/2011
Final (London, England) 28/05/2011




Wembley Stadium
The Venue of Legends
Wembley Logo.jpg
Wembley Stadium, illuminated.jpg
View from Wembley Way
Location London, England
Broke ground 2003
Built 2003–2007
Opened 2007
Owner The Football Association
Operator Wembley National Stadium Limited
Surface Desso GrassMaster
Construction cost GBP £900 million (2007) (USD $1.57 Billion)
Architect Foster and Partners
Populous (then HOK Sport), Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners (planning consultants)
Project Manager Symonds
Structural engineer Mott MacDonald[3]
Services engineer Mott MacDonald[3]
General Contractor Multiplex Constructions (UK) Ltd
Capacity 90,000 (football, rugby league, rugby union)
86,000 (American football)
75,000 to 90,000 seated and 15,000 standing (concerts)
68,400 to 72,000 (athletics)
Field dimensions 105 × 68 m (344 × 223 ft)
England national football team (2007–present)
NFL International Series (2007–present)


History Of Wembley Stadium

Wembley Stadium or sometimes as the New Wembley) is a football stadium located in Wembley Park, in the Borough of Brent, London, England. It opened in 2007 and was built on the site of the previous 1923 Wembley Stadium. The earlier Wembley stadium, originally called the Empire Stadium, was often referred to as "The Twin Towers" and was one of the world's most famous football stadiums until its demolition in 2003.

It is a UEFA category four stadium. The 90,000-capacity venue is the second largest stadium in Europe, and serves as England's national stadium. It is the home venue of the England national football team, and hosts the latter stages of the top level domestic club cup competition, the FA Cup. It is owned by English football's governing body, The Football Association (The FA), through their subsidiary Wembley National Stadium Ltd (WNSL).

Designed by Foster and Partners and Populous (then HOK Sport), it includes a partially retractable roof. A signature feature of the stadium, following on from the old Wembley's distinctive Twin Towers, is the 134 metres (440 ft) high Wembley Arch. With a span of 317 metres (1,040 ft), this steel arch is the longest single span roof structure in the world and, uniquely for a stadium, requires beacons for low flying aircraft. The stadium was built by Australian firm Multiplex at a cost of £798 million. The old Wembley closed in October 2000, with demolition originally intended for that December and the new stadium due to open in 2003. After delays to the project, with demolition first started in September 2002, the old Wembley was not completely demolished until February 2003, with the new stadium scheduled to open in time for the 2006 FA Cup Final. After further delays, the stadium was delivered nearly a year late, leading to legal disputes between WNSL and Multiplex, who ultimately made a significant loss on the project. The stadium was handed over on 9 March 2007, in time to host the 2007 FA Cup Final.

In international football, the stadium was a central component of the English 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cup bids. In 2012 it will host the football finals of the London Olympics. In club football, in addition to the FA Cup the stadium also hosts the showpiece season opening game the FA Community Shield match, played in August between the winners of the FA Cup and the top-level Premier League. In mid-season it also hosts the finals of the Football League Cup and Football League Trophy. At the end of the domestic season the stadium also hosts the latter stages of the Football League play-offs. In European football, it hosted the 2011 Champions League Final. In friendly tournaments, since 2009 it has been the venue of the summer Wembley Cup. Outside of football, the stadium also hosts major rugby league games, such as the Challenge Cup. The stadium is also an annual regular season venue for the American National Football League's International Series, the first such venue outside North America. Non-sporting uses include large concerts by artists such as AC/DC, Green Day, Muse, Oasis, Foo Fighters, Take That, Metallica, U2 and Madonna as well as hosting in July 2007 the Concert for Diana and Live Earth concert.


Wembley was designed by architects Foster + Partners and Populous (known as HOK Sport at the time of the design phase and construction) and with engineers Mott MacDonald, built by Australian company Brookfield Multiplex and funded by Sport England, WNSL (Wembley National Stadium Limited), the Football Association, the Department for Culture Media and Sport and the London Development Agency. It is one of the most expensive stadiums ever built at a cost of £798 million (After New Meadowlands Stadium) and has the largest roof-covered seating capacity in the world. Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners was appointed to assist Wembley National Stadium Limited in preparing the scheme for a new stadium and to obtain planning and listed building permission for the development.

Inside Wembley Stadium

The all-seater stadium is based around a bowl design with a capacity of 90,000, protected from the elements by a sliding roof that does not completely enclose it. It can also be adapted as an athletic stadium by erecting a temporary platform over the lowest tier of seating. The stadium's signature feature is a circular section lattice arch of 7 m (23 ft) internal diameter with a 315 m (1,033 ft) span, erected some 22° off true, and rising to 133 m (436 ft). It supports all the weight of the north roof and 60% of the weight of the retractable roof on the southern side. The archway is the world's longest unsupported roof structure. Instead of the 39 steps climbed, in the original stadium, to enter the Royal Box and collect a trophy, there are now 107.

A "platform system" has been designed to convert the stadium for athletics use, but its use would decrease the stadium's capacity to approximately 60,000. No athletics events have taken place at the stadium, and none are scheduled.


The stadium in its very early stages of construction, circa August 2003
New Wembley Stadium looking south, view from the new Wembley Way, January 2007

The initial plan for the reconstruction of Wembley was for demolition to begin before Christmas 2000, and for the new stadium to be completed some time during 2003, but this work was delayed by a succession of financial and legal difficulties. In 2004, the London Mayor and Brent Council also announced wider plans for the regeneration of Wembley, taking in the arena and the surrounding areas as well as the stadium, to be implemented over two or three decades.

Delays to the construction project started as far back as 2003. In December 2003, the constructors of the arch, subcontractors Cleveland Bridge, warned Multiplex about rising costs and a delay on the steel job of almost a year due to Multiplex design changes which Multiplex rejected. Cleveland Bridge withdrew from the project and replaced by Dutch firm Hollandia with all the attendant problems of starting over. 2004 also saw errors, most notably a fatal accident involving carpenter Patrick O'Sullivan for which construction firm PC Harrington Contractors were fined £150,000 in relation to breaches of health and safety laws.

In October 2005, Sports Minister Richard Caborn announced: "They say the Cup Final will be there, barring six feet of snow or something like that". By November 2005, WNSL were still hopeful of a handover date of 31 March, in time for the cup final on 13 May. However in December 2005, the builders admitted that there was a "material risk" that the stadium might not be ready in time for the final.[13][14] In February 2006 these worries were confirmed, with the FA moving the game to Cardiff's Millennium Stadium.

Construction of the new Wembley, looking east, taken January 2006

On 20 March 2006, a steel rafter in the roof of the new development fell by a foot and a half, forcing 3,000 workers to evacuate the stadium and raising further doubts over the completion date which was already behind schedule. On 23 March 2006, sewers beneath the stadium buckled due to ground movement. GMB Union leader Steve Kelly said that the problem had been caused by the pipes not being properly laid, and that the repair would take months. Rumours circulated that the reason for the blockage was due to Multiplex failing to pay the contractors who laid the pipes who then filled in the pipes with concreate. A spokesman for developers Multiplex said that they did not believe this would "have any impact on the completion of the stadium", which was then scheduled to be completed on 31 March 2006.

On 30 March 2006, the developers announced that Wembley Stadium would not be ready until 2007.All competitions and concerts planned were to be moved to suitable locations. On 19 June 2006 it was announced that the turf had been laid. On 19 October 2006 it was announced that the venue was now set to open in early 2007 after the dispute between The Football Association and Multiplex had finally been settled. WNSL was expected to pay around £36m to Multiplex, on top of the amount of the original fixed-price contract. The total cost of the project (including local transport infrastructure redevelopment and the cost of financing) was estimated to be £1 billion (roughly US$1.97 billion).

Handover and opening

The Bobby Moore Sculpture stands outside the stadium entrance, looking down Wembley Way

The new stadium was completed and handed over to the FA on 9 March 2007. The official Wembley Stadium website had announced that the stadium would be open for public viewing for local residents of Brent on 3 March 2007, however this was delayed by two weeks and instead happened on 17 March.

While the stadium had hosted football matches since the handover in March, the stadium was officially opened on Saturday 19 May, with the staging of the 2007 FA Cup Final. Eight days before that on Friday 11 May, the Bobby Moore Sculpture had been unveiled by Sir Bobby Charlton outside the stadium entrance, as the "finishing touch" to the completion of the stadium. The twice life-size bronze statue, sculpted by Philip Jackson, depicts England's 1966 World Cup winning captain Bobby Moore, looking down Wembley Way.


  • The stadium contains 2,618 toilets, more than any other venue in the world.
  • The stadium has a circumference of 1 km (0.6 mi).
  • The bowl volume is listed at 1,139,100 m3, somewhat smaller than the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, but with a greater seating capacity.
  • At its peak, there were more than 3,500 construction workers on site.
  • 4,000 separate piles form the foundations of the new stadium, the deepest of which is 35 m (115 ft).
  • There are 56 km (35 miles) of heavy-duty power cables in the stadium.
  • 90,000 m3 (120,000 yd3) of concrete and 23,000 tonnes (25,000 short tons) of steel were used in the construction of the new stadium.
  • The total length of the escalators is 400 m (¼ mi).
  • The Wembley Arch has a cross-sectional diameter greater than that of a cross-channel Eurostar train.


Aerial of the Wembley Stadium pitch

The new pitch is 13 ft (4.0 m) lower than the previous pitch. The pitch size, as lined for association football, is 105 metres (344 ft) long by 68 metres (223 ft) wide, slightly narrower than the old Wembley, as required by the UEFA stadium categories for a category four stadium, the top category.

Since the completion of the new Wembley, the pitch has come into disrepute since it was described as being "no good" and "not in the condition that Wembley used to be known for" by Slaven Bilić before the game between England and the team he managed, Croatia. It was confirmed when the pitch was terribly cut up during the game, which was blamed by some as the reason England did not qualify for UEFA Euro 2008. The Football Association admitted in April 2009 after the FA Cup semi-finals that improvements are needed to the Wembley pitch after criticism of the surface by Sir Alex Ferguson, Arsène Wenger and David Moyes. The grass has been relaid ten times since the stadium re-opened in 2007 and was relaid again in the summer of 2009, ahead of the 2009 Community Shield.[30][31]

In March 2010, the surface was relaid for the 10th time since 2007, when the stadium was built. In April 2010, the pitch was again criticised following the FA Cup semi-finals, during which the players found it difficult to keep their footing and the surface cut up despite the dry conditions. Tottenham Hotspur boss Harry Redknapp labelled it a "disgrace" after his side's semi-final defeat to Portsmouth. After the 2010 FA Cup Final, Chelsea captain John Terry said, "The pitch ruined the final. It’s probably the worst pitch we’ve played on all year. It was not good enough for a Wembley pitch." It was relaid with Desso semi-artificial pitch, ahead of the 2010 community shield game between Chelsea and Manchester United. Michael Owen, who previously criticized the pitch for causing him injury, said that it was much improved.The pitch caused few problems for Spanish football side Barcelona, known for their strong passing game, in their victory over Manchester United in the 2011 Champions League Final.


Close-Up of the Arch

The stadium roof has an area of 40,000 m2, of which 13,722 m2 is movable. The primary reason for the sliding roof was to avoid shading the pitch, as grass demands direct sunlight to grow effectively. Angus Campbell, chief architect, also said that an aim was for pitch to be in sunlight during the match between the beginning of May and the end of June, between 3pm and 5pm, which is when the FA and World cups would be played. The sliding roof design minimised the shadow by having the roof pulled back on the east, west and south however a wholly unshaded pitch has not been achieved between 3pm and 5pm during the FA Cup Final; at the FA Cup Final in 2007 the pitch was in partial shade at the start and during the match, a situation which was mentioned during the live commentatary.

The stadium roof rises to 52 metres above the pitch and is supported by an arch rising 133 metres above the level of the external concourse. With a span of 315 metres, the arch is the longest single span roof structure in the world.


The Australian firm Multiplex, which was the main contractor on Wembley Stadium, made significant losses on the project. In an attempt to recoup some of those losses, the firm has initiated a number of legal cases against its sub-contractors and consultants. The largest of these - the largest legal claim in UK legal history - is a claim for £253 million against the structural engineering consultants Mott Macdonald. In preliminary hearings the two architecture practices which worked for Multiplex on the project have been ordered to allow Multiplex access to their records in order for them to build a case. The practices, Foster + Partners and Populous, estimate the costs of providing access and answering Multiplex's queries at £5 million.The case is not due to be heard until January 2011. Mott Macdonald has issued a counter-claim for unpaid fees of £250,000.

Multiplex has also taken the original steel contractor, Cleveland Bridge, to court in order to claim up to £38 million compensation for costs resulting from Cleveland Bridge walking away from the job. Cleveland Bridge, in turn, claimed up to £15 million from Multiplex. The case was finally resolved in September 2008 with Cleveland Bridge ordered to pay £6.1 million in damages and 20% of Multiplex's costs after the court found Cleveland Bridge was in the wrong to walk off site. The judge criticised both sides for allowing the case to reach court, pointing out that total costs were £22 million, including £1 million for photocopying. Multiplex's ultimate bill is estimated to be over £10 million.

Multiplex is also contesting a claim from its concrete contractor, PC Harrington, that Multiplex owes £13.4 million to PC Harrington.

The dispute between Multiplex (now known as Brookfield) and Mott Macdonald was settled out of court in June 2010, the judge having warned that costs were likely to be more than £74 million.


Wembley Stadium during the 2007 Race of Champions

The English national football team is a major user of Wembley Stadium. Given the ownership by The Football Association as of 10 March 2007, the League Cup final moved back to Wembley from Cardiff following the FA Cup final and FA Community Shield. Other showpiece football matches that were previously staged at Wembley, such as the Football League promotion play-offs and the Football League Trophy final, have returned to the stadium, as has the Football Conference play-off final. Additionally, the Rugby League Challenge Cup final returned to Wembley Stadium in 2007. The new Wembley is a significant part of the plan for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London; the stadium will be the site of several games in both the men's and women's football tournaments, with the finals planned to be held there.

The Race of Champions staged their 2007 and 2008 events at the stadium.

Wembley has had a long association with American Football. A USFL game was staged there in 1984, and between 1986 and 1993 the old Wembley stadium hosted eight NFL exhibition games featuring 13 different NFL teams. Since the new Wembley Stadium opened in 2007 Wembley has hosted games during the NFL regular season. As a result of this, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell stated in October 2009 that "he expects the NFL will start playing multiple regular-season games in Britain in the next few years, an expansion that could lead to putting a franchise in London."


held at Wembley on 7 July 2007.

Besides football, Wembley can be configured to hold many other events, particularly major concerts.

The first concert at the new stadium was given by George Michael on 9 June 2007.  Bon Jovi were scheduled to be the first artists to perform at the new Wembley but the late completion of the stadium saw the concerts relocated to the National Bowl and the KC Stadium.

Muse became the first band to sell out the new stadium on 16 and 17 June 2007, and released a live DVD of the performance.

Other acts to have performed at the stadium are Metallica, Foo Fighters, Madonna, Coldplay, Oasis, Take That and AC/DC.

Wembley stadium hosted Take That Present: The Circus Live for 4 nights in summer 2009. The tour became the fastest selling tour in UK in history before that record was broken by Take That two years later with their Progress Live tour.

Two large charity concerts have been held at the new Wembley stadium, the Concert for Diana, a memorial concert to commemorate ten years after the Death of Princess Diana, and Live Earth, a concert hosted at Wembley as part of the Live Earth Foundation, committed to combating climate change.

Take That concert

95.8 Capital FM's Summertime Ball, which was previously hosted with 55,000 spectators at the Arsenal Emirates Stadium and slightly less in Hyde Park (as Party in the Park), was hosted at Wembley Stadium on 6 June 2010, and was headlined by Rihanna and Usher. The move to Wembley allowed many more fans to watch the annual music event which has previously lasted over 5 hours with more than 10 performers. It is thought to be the biggest commercial music event held at the stadium.

American punk rock band Green Day continued their world tour, playing at Wembley on 19 June 2010. The gig was Green Day's biggest audience yet.

Muse returned to Wembley Stadium on 10 and 11 September 2010 as part of their Resistance Tour to a sell-out crowd, having previously played there in June 2007.

Madonna played Wembley in 2008 during her Sticky and Sweet Tour, to a sold-out audience of 74,000. The event has surpassed all gross revenue for a single concert at Wembley, grossing nearly $12 million USD.

Take That will play a record breaking 8 nights at Wembley Stadium in summer 2011 on their Progress Live tour, which has become the fastest and biggest selling tour in UK history.

Past concerts

9, 10 June 2007 George Michael
16, 17 June 2007 Muse
1 July 2007 Concert for Diana
7 July 2007 Live Earth
8 July 2007 Metallica
6, 7 June 2008 Foo Fighters
11 September 2008 Madonna
26 June 2009 AC/DC
1, 3, 4, 5 July 2009 Take That
9, 11, 12 July 2009 Oasis
14, 15 August 2009 U2
18, 19 September 2009 Coldplay
6 June 2010 Capital FM's Summertime Ball
19 June 2010 Green Day
10, 11 September 2010 Muse
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26 13


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